comme vous savez, mon francais n´est pas bon et la traduction google n´est pas aussi, donc en anglais:
I´m searching for some pieces for the restauration of the ´33 Sical
Therefor I made a list, if you have anything of the things I´m looking for and would sell it please e-mail me to in good condition
(when I see Rosalie at meetings I always wonder where they got these nice calandre from!)
-rearwings as a pair fitting for 8A or 10AL
-mounting plate for the rearbumper (some picture an messurements would also help)
-pictures of the switches for light, choke, gas, etc (in our car there ar 5 different types of switches mounted in the dash)
-mounting plate for the front-bumper (here also picture an messurements required)
-picture of the rearseats of the small Sical (there wasn´t any rearseat when we got the car)
-runningboards in good condition and also the rubber for the runningboard
- frame for the rearwindow (is there any frame from the inside?)
-codes for original coloring
-material for the upholstery, it is original in a kind of fishbone, like many chevrons. color is beige or grey.
so, thats all I think
you might think these things are available easyley, well
not in Germany an I do not know the right dealers from France
If you know anything, please tell me.
merci beaucoup